July 7, 2024
Week 4 Little Bang
August 19, 2023
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
I learnt EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) many years ago and was taught the technique by my amazing Head Doc. When I find myself discombobulated with any of my ‘stuff’ I breathe and do some EFT. It is one of the main tools in my self care toolbox that I use to take care of my mental health. I have done a few rounds of EFT at different times over the last month, it has helped me in moments of unease. I thought I would share it with you in the hope that it may do the same for you.
If you google EFT you will find many different explanations, methods and a huge array of people sprucing the benefits. It is, in its basic form, simply tapping on meridian points on the body. It is derived from acupuncture and can help reduce anxiety or worry and induce a sense of calm. Truth be told there are some that claim it is a load of old bollox and that there is no scientific evidence to support that it does anything. This has not been my experience at all. My advice is to ignore all of that and give it a go. If nothing else, you will be meditating and reinforcing positive affirmations of self-love and acceptance. That is the good shit right there!
Please please give this one a go and learn how to do EFT for yourself. It is such a great tool to have to chill yourself out when life deals shitty cards and/or when you feel sad, anxious etc.
Let me know how you go.
October 3, 2022
Are you required to sit for most of your working day?
Sit happens. It’s unavoidable. Here are my top tips; simple things/drills you can do each day to help alleviate potential problems produced from sitting all day.
- Please change your position every hour and have three different working stations i.e chair 1, stand, chair 2. Set your alarm every hour so you don’t forget. Do the standing stretch: If you sit a lot, stand up from your chair. Start by raising your arms overhead and hold for ten seconds. Then reach higher and farther back for another ten-count. Inhale deeply, working into an upright and stress-free standing posture. Drop your arms and relax. This stretch measurably dispels cumulative stress on the spinal discs. Do it throughout the day. Have a read of Stuart McGill’s tips on this
- Every hour on the hour do 25 x seated banded abductions: triple band your green band and pop it around your legs above your knees, keeping your feet hip distance apart and on the floor move your knees out and in keeping the band tense
- Throughout the day aim to complete 100 single leg calf raises on each leg. These do not need to be performed all at once but look to complete the 100 by the end of each day. Think sets of 10 to 20 reps. Please do this on the floor but get up as high as you can onto your toes. Quality reps.
- Eyes closed single leg stance 30 seconds 2 sets (neurological proprioception)
- As many short walks per day as possible. 5 mins around the block or around the office
May 26, 2017
Strength training isn’t all about Personal Bests
I’m sharing this personal story in the hope it will inspire others to strength train.
June 20, 2016
My Dad’s Eulogy
Good afternoon, my name is Lisa Brown and for those of you that do not know I am Fred’s daughter… So, I know that if my Dad was doing a speech of any kind he would probably open with a joke… Dad and I are very similar in lots of ways but today I will avoid the temptation of a Dad joke and begin by expressing my sincere gratitude to you for coming today to help me celebrate my Dad/Fred Brown’s life. Some of you have literally travelled from the other side of the World, others from London or even further afield. Wherever you have travelled from, near or far, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time out of your life to join me here today.
July 28, 2015
how to regain your pre pregnancy body
This is the story of 6 Innervate Health and Fitness personal training Sydney clients (and one Sydney Personal Trainer : Lisa Brown) and their individual journeys during a 12 week wellness challenge of: no wheat, no processed sugar, no alcohol and of course training hard.
July 7, 2015
12 week wellness challenge
This is the story of 6 Innervate clients (and one Sydney Personal Trainer: Lisa Brown) and their individual journeys during a 12 week wellness challenge of: no wheat, no processed sugar, no alcohol and of course training hard.
June 30, 2015
12 week fat loss challenge
This is the story of 6 Innervate Health and Fitness Sydney personal training clients (and one Sydney Personal Trainer : Lisa Brown) and their individual journeys during a 12 week body transformation challenge of: no wheat, no processed sugar, no alcohol and of course training hard.
February 15, 2015
Getting older sucks ass…… or does it?
I have just returned from THE BEST trip to Antarctica and South America. This amazing 6-week journey saw me kayaking through icebergs in the waters of the breathtakingly beautiful Continent that is Antarctica, trekking alongside Chilean glaciers in Torres Del Paine National Park, struggling at altitude up steps on my way to Dead Woman’s Pass and ultimately the iconic Machu Picchu in Peru. I also managed to visit a couple of cities and numerous other venues on my journey.