August 8, 2013

cheat foods

I am working from home today. I bought myself a jar of Branston Pickle (the Pom’s will know what I am talking about) when I went food shopping last week. I LOVE cheddar cheese and pickle sandwiches and used to eat massive overloaded subs constantly when I was an overweight kid. The Branston Pickle has been winking at me from the fridge and whispering how it wants to be thickly spread on a massive crispy French baton with as much cheese as the bread can hold. Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my treats but I don’t like to eat wheat and I know that if I succumb I will feel yuk and bloated. I always think about my clients at times like these and know I cannot be a hypocrite. Therefore, I had two cheese slices and a tablespoon of pickle. I took my time and savored the taste. YUM. It is no longer whispering or winking and I can get back to work. I have found the experience v interesting as the pickle took me back to a time where I would have overeaten and thought nothing of it.